Vocabulary: Fire Safety

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The Vocabulary:

ABC Fire Extinguisher –All-purpose fire extinguisher for Class A, B, and C fires
Accelerant – Substance used to aid the spread of fire
Arson – Criminal act of intentionally starting a fire
Carbon monoxide – Often called the invisible killer, an odorless, colorless gas created when fuels such as gasoline, wood, coal, natural gas, propane, oil, and methane burn incompletely
Circuit breaker – Switches in the electrical panel, these automatically turn off electricity if the line is overloaded
Class A fire – Burning wood, paper, cloth or plastic
Class B fire – Burning grease, oil, or chemicals
Class C fire – Burning electrical cords, switches, or wiring
Class D fire – Burning combustible metals
Class K fire – Fire in cooking that involves animal oils and fats
Combustion – Process of burning
Conflagration – An extensive, destructive fire
EDITH – Reminder acronym: Exit drills in the home
Fire escape plan – Planned and practiced exit path from a burning building
Fire triangle – Three things a fire needs to burn: oxygen, fuel and heat
Flashover – When the fire temperature reaches the ignition point of the materials in the area, spontaneous combustion occurs
Ionization fire alarm – Detectors containing a small amount of radioactive material, generally more responsive to flaming fires
PASS – Acronym for operation of a fire extinguisher: Pull, Aim low, Squeeze, Sweep
Photoelectric fire alarm – Detectors that use light and photosensors to detect smoke, more responsive to smoldering fires
Smolder – To burn with little smoke and no flame
Stop, Drop, and Roll – Slogan for response if your clothing should catch on fire